Sunday, 19 July 2015

Book Review: Your Family Tree Online by Graeme Davis

This is the second book I've read by Graeme Davis and have to admit that the other book was of much better quality. I would say that this particular book is purely for novice genealogists as most of the chapters are very brief introductions to a topic, for instance the chapters on newspaper and directories. However, there are more detailed chapters on topics such as DNA and working with names. In some ways, I wished I'd have known about this book when I first started with family history research - as I know I'd have appreciated this book at that point.

There are very few internet resources listed in this book, but those that are included are of good quality. They are often associated with the activities that are included throughout the book for the reader to find out more about their family. One such activity is to understand your ancestor's job and two links are provided that should help the reader find out more.

As with the previous book of Davis' that I reviewed, this book is very readable and accessible. If you've read other genealogy books, then this book isn't likely to help you progress your research. However, if you're new to this field of study or if you've ever read a genealogy book - then this is a great place to start.

Sunday, 5 July 2015

Surname: Havenith

The most recent generations of my family are from Limburg in the Netherlands, so that is where I started with attempting to find the origin of the surname. During the same time, I scoured the Internet for the possible meaning of HAVENITH and came across a few variants along the way (discussed here). 

This post documents what I've found so far.